Fossett Lab demoing at the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship at WashU, Feb 2019
Undergraduate EPS students get their first taste of AR geology
Grad student Kelsey Prissel presents a the annual Geological Society of America (GSA) meeting on a pilot teaching study using the HoloLens as people try it out
Demoing the HoloLens at GSA
Screenshot of the development application, displaying part of the NASA GIBS satellite imagery dataset.
Screenshot of the development application, with outcrop locations.
Menu set up for the Earth, Moon and Mars
Selecting some locations will load a photogrammetric outcrop such as this one showing a fold axis at Beavertail RI
On the Moon you can observe landing site DTMs
DEMs of Earth locations can be exokplored
A user may also search the earthquake catalog and plot earthquake locations in 3D, or plot locations of structures within the Earth such as the large low shear velocity provinces in the lower mantle
Investigating a series of ignimbrite ashfall layers in the Azores prior to visiting on an EPS undergraduate field trip.
Exploring a troctalite dike in the Azores prior to visiting on an EPS undergraduate field trip.
Exploring mineral structure as part of an Earth Materials class review
Novel point of view
Sharing of holograms helped with group collaborations
Learning about atomic mineral structure
Professor Skemer and Martin talk about the Stackpole syncline in Southwest Wales
Professor Skemer and Martin check out some cross-bedding
Martin gives a talk at the St. Louis History Museum
Capturing an outcrop in the Azores
DNA strands in a protein shown holographically
Professor Skemer leads a demonstration of holographic outcrops shared between 5 HoloLenses
Professor Michael Wysession testing out a virtual outcrop in New Jersey
Undergraduate Hammy Sorkin measures columnar basalts using HoloLens
Professor Ray Arvidson tests out OnSight near the full-scale Opportunity Mars Rover in Rudolf Hall
Professor Jeff Catalano investigates a holographic crystal structure
Graduate students Roger Bryant and Joss Haye test out a virtual outcrop
UHD Drone Video
Holographic Videos
Holographic videos are generated by using the Mixed Reality Capture camera onboard the HoloLens that can also be utilized for streaming holographic experiences to a desktop monitor.
The holograms appear more opaque for the user, as the camera is affected by the brightness of the room background.